As part of my training I have facilitated Relax Kids Classes for Preschool children, a Brownies Group and a Reception class. The feedback has been overwhelming:

  • 'It helps me to stay calm', said Bethany aged 8
  • 'It helped me not to shout', wrote Rachel aged 8
  • 'I feel more relaxed and I use it all the time when I’m angry. I liked imagining being a princess', reported Carlota aged 9
  • 'It helps me to relax and then I go to sleep', wrote Elise aged 8
  • 'I enjoyed wrapping up in the blankets', said Bethany aged 9
  • 'Relax Kids session is fun, fun, fun', wrote Mrs. Thomas, Reception teacher. 

Feedback from friends and their children include:

  • 'The Relax Kids CDs help me to get to sleep really quite quickly instead of normally taking an hour or so. My favourite thing is the Relax Kids Star cards because whenever I get one from my Mum it always boosts me up if I’m feeling sad or worried' wrote Ellena aged 9
  • 'My favourite Relax Kids track is ‘Rainbow’ because when you are at the end of the rainbow you get to choose if there is a pot of gold or a magic rainbow land…..this always makes me happy' wrote Ben 6 years old
  • 'The Chill Skill CD’s help my daughter to give names to feelings, to realise that all feelings are normal and to think differently about them. They acted as a catalyst for her to explain to me her true feelings, this allowed me to understand and help her feel more positive about herself. Relax Kids helps children to realise their uniqueness and provides invaluable tools to help them to cope with the demands of everyday life' said Lindsey Mum to Ellena and Ben
  • Rachael aged 12 wrote how she felt about the Relax & De-Stress CD 'I thought it was very relaxing. It made me feel calm and relaxed and she would use it again though felt it was aimed at younger children'
  • 'The Relax & De-Stress CD has helped my daughter with getting to sleep, and waking more relaxed' said Maryvonne Mum to Rachel.