I am a Relax Kids teacher and run relax kids classes (for 4-8 yrs and 9-12 yrs) in the Southend area in Essex. Relax Kids CDs, DVD and books can be used at home from 2/3 years till 13/14 years (and by Adults).

Relax Kids is a revolutionary way of teaching relaxation to children using a range of books, CDs and self esteem cards as well as amazing relaxation classes. Teaching your child to relax can help him or her to develop concentration, confidence as well as creativity. It’s great for helping children to let go of fears and anxieties and helps to improve emotional and behavioural problems. Relax Kids can help develop your child’s self-esteem, promote positive thinking, as well as improve sleeping problems.

A Relax Kids class incorporates some movement and dance, self-esteem games, stretches, breathing exercises, peer & self massage, affirmations and visualisations.

Attending a Relax Kids class and combining this with using the products at home can maximize a child’s ability to develop this as a skill for life.

Please visit www.relaxkids.com for lots of helpful suggestions & ideas, free downloads and product information.